Saturday, 27 October 2007
今天想起,觉得有点凄凉与惋惜, 却不知道是为了谁。是为了写歌人的痴情? 还是为了听歌人的残忍?而又有多少人真正做到舍己为人?
Thursday, 25 October 2007
My first tag
Layer One: On The Outside
Name: Rachel
Birth Date: 25/12/1988
Current Status: Single
Eye Colour: Black
Hair Colour: Black
Righty or Lefty: Righty
Layer Two: On The Inside
Your Heritage: Chinese/Hokkien
Your Fears: Failure, rejection, all creepy-crawlies, heights
Your Weaknesses: Pride, impatience, emotionalism
Your Perfect Pizza: Lots of cheese and crabsticks and not a single pineapple!
Layer Three: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow
Your Thoughts First Waking Up: Sleep some more
Your Bedtime:12-4am
Your Most Missed Memory: Childhood
Layer Four: Your Pick
Pepsi Or Coke: Neither
McDonald's or Burger King: McD!!
Single or Group Dates: Group
Adidas or Nike: Adidas
Cappuccino or Coffee: Cappuccino!! (Too bad I’m lactose intolerant)
Layer Five: Do You......
Smoke: Never did and never will
Curse: Minimally, but I’m trying not to at all
Have a crush: No
Think you've been in love: Yes
Go To School: No. Too old for school—uni now remember?
Want to get married: Definitely
Believe in yourself: I believe God can do all things, not me.
Think you're a health freak: Junk food rocks!!!
Layer Six: In The Past Month......
Have you...
Drank Alcohol: No
Gone to the Mall: Yes
Been on Stage: No
Eaten sushi: At Genki Sushi’s
Dyed your hair: No, but I would love to =)
Layer Seven: Have you ever......
Played a Stripping Game: Yes, and loved it, since I wasn’t the one stripping =P
Changed who you were to fit in: No
Layer Eight: You're Hoping
To Be Married: Before I’m 30
For a: Miracle
Layer Nine: In a Guy/Girl
Best Eye + Best hair colour combination: Doesn’t matter
Short or long hair: Guys- short; girls- take your pick
Layer Ten: What were you doing
1 Min ago: Doing this tag
1 Hour ago: Watching tv
4.5 Hours ago: Shopping
1 Month Ago: Emo-ing
1 Year Ago: Preparing for AS
Layer Eleven: Finish the Sentence
I Love: being loved
I Feel: lost
I Hate: being lonely
I Miss: so many people
I Need: to be braver
Layer Twelve : Tag Five people
2. Chak Hoong
3. Meng Suan
4. Li Yenn
5. Nicholas
Wednesday, 24 October 2007
A Blog Post for God
People say that you can be who you want to be, it's just whether you allow yourself that opportunity or not. But God, what do You say?
I think You say that I can be whoever I want to be, after all, You gave Adam and Eve choices, You gave me too. You gave him a choice as well.
Choice. What an ironic word. God, I'm so sorry I'm emo-ing here. If You're too busy, don't bother listening alright? I know there are a lot of people out there who need You too. You go tend to them first okay? You said that there is a time for everything under the sun, so I'm just selfishly hoping that this happens to be the time where You read blog posts.
Where was I? Ah yes. Choice. Someone once said that feelings fade away, but choices last forever. But if a choice were to overlap another choice, does that mean the choice before no longer has its impact?
In Jesus' Name I pray,
Tuesday, 16 October 2007
我一直都不明白为何作者会用恨来形容爱情,明明爱得那么深,又怎么会有恨呢?现在,我终于明白了。 不是爱得不够,而是爱得太深,所以恨自己放不开手,恨自己太痴情。
从小,我对爱情充满了憧憬,别人说我傻,我也一笑置之,从不理会。也许是我太天真了吧。。 可是,如果失去理想是变成熟的代价,那我宁可永远幼稚。这世上真的没有所谓的山盟海誓,天长地久吗?
欧阳修曾写过一句话:“心似双丝网, 终有千千结。” 我,终于晓得他的心境了-- 整颗心好像是用成千上万的结组成的,一拉一条结就痛一次。我心我情谁能晓?谁是解铃系铃人?
say goodbye