Tuesday 29 March 2011

the fruit of the spirit

patience, kindness, goodness. Lord teach me to be kind.

Wednesday 23 March 2011

too late

to apologise.

Sunday 20 March 2011

mirror mirror hanging on the wall

have you ever felt as though you don't like yourself one bit at all? Like no matter how you try to change, you're still that same old person?

Yet You love me, when I am so unlovely.

Father, take my pride, my insecurities, my selfishness, all the ugliness within me, take them away. Rebuke me. Change me.

Sunday 13 March 2011

what matters the most

i always forget.

So caught up with the humdrum of every day life. What would it all matter when tribulation comes? Have I been laying up treasures in heaven? Have I been loving? Have I been obedient? Have I been faithful?

Served in children's worship today. Was just thinking... If I was one of them, it would be so much easier to conform and sit down with the rest, than to stand up and be one of the very few, even at times the only one following the weird jie jie in front do actions that make me look silly. Do I love God? Or do I love man more? Will I love the children because I'm hoping they'll love me back? Or will I love them because they are God's children? Even if there is only one child in the whole room who will worship God, then I will lead her. God give me strength!

In band, in church, I always feel thrown to the keyboard. A small defiant voice always asks- why the keyboard when you say I have a nice voice? And everytime I am humbled. Not because of who I am, but because of what You've done.

Saturday 5 March 2011


还要走多远 我们才会柳暗花明
还要等多久 我们才会雨过天晴
我 开始累了



还需要修. 不写了.

Who else do I have but You. You are enough.

Thursday 3 March 2011

greater dreams

dream bigger.

they fight so hard to realise their dream. All I need is right in front of me. I just need to see more, read more, do more, ask more, experience more.

Remain true to your calling.

What you gonna do with the 36 cents
sticky with coke on your floorboard
when a woman on the street is huddled in the cold
on a sidewalk then trying to keep warm

Do you call her over
Hand her the change
Ask her her story
Ask her her name

Or do you tell yourself...
You're just a fool just a fool to believe you can change the world~
-carrie underwood-

keep trying.

Tuesday 1 March 2011

what is it about psychiatry

1. The patients are so clearly in a world of their own. Not that you don't exist, because you do, but their world does too, but you can't see it.

2. Insight-oriented psychotherapy. I know it's for the better, but I wonder how does it feel to find out you're crazy.

3. The heartbreak when the child psychiatrist tells you your child is "slow"/"different"/"needs help"/"special".

4. I would like to feel the happiness of mania. Doing a lot of goal-oriented activity isn't a bad idea.

5. If I took the dextroamphetamine meant for the ADHD kid, would I be able to concentrate better too?