Monday 29 October 2012

Girl talk with God

I saw this book Girl Talk with God in the bookshop just the other day and felt drawn to it. Thank You for reaching out to me, even when I'm subconsciously holding back. Truly Your love is the only love that is faithful and everlasting. Help me to cling closer to You, bury me in Your love.

Like a rose, trampled on the ground. 这种折腾, 你我不曾体会. This love is unmistakable.

The pretty jay in the borrowed costume. It's finally not me this time. Teach me to be generous, in spirit, with gifts, with time.

Friday 5 October 2012



Everyone wants to be included. No one wants to be picked last for teams, no one wants to be not picked at all. But if you are always in the midst of the crowd, you will never notice the one at the sidelines. Jesus left the ninety-nine, and went to seek the lost one. We want to be included because we want to know we matter, but the fact of the matter is- we matter to the One who matters the most. That is the trump card, the ace. What more could we ask? This is not settling, because what or rather Who we are received by, is the Best. How blessed! Heart, ponder on that.

For there I find You waiting
and there I find release

I know I don't say it enough, but thank You. <3 p="p">