Thursday 28 February 2008

God help me...


God help me... to break my heart for what breaks Yours...
God help me... to feel Your presence with every breath I take...
God help me... to wait upon You...
God help me... to not go crazy!!!!!!!

I wish... there was another way...
I wish... I could shut up...
I wish... this would go away...

So close
so close
and still so far...

*Sighs* T.T

God, teach me to be content.

Wednesday 27 February 2008


如果下雨是蓝天必须付出的代价, 那我情愿不要彩虹...

Ern Sheong, thank me for doing your tag =P

1. What was your dream during your childhood?
To be a writer who could write poems and stories that would touch and stir the hearts of many.

2. Do you like rainy days or sunny days? Why?
Rainy. Firstly because I don’t want to get darker!! And secondly because… rainy days evoke emotions and thoughts that would never come on a sunny day. Thirdly because… rainy days are more romantic!! =P

3. Which colour do you like better? Black or White?
White. Pure and cool. Unfortunately white makes me look fat =(

4. Who would you marry?
The guy whom God has specially prepared for me. The guy who is godly, loves me, loves our children and whom I love.

5. Where do you want to go most? Why?
A place where all the people who love me and whom I love would be gathered. To see them la…

6. Which part of yourself do you love the most?
The part which helps me to appreciate the beauty of language and music. Oh… and also the part which helps me to sense others’ feelings and moods.

7. When you encounter a sad moment, what do you do?
CRY. Pray. Seek guidance from above and around me.

8. What are you afraid of losing the most?

9. If you met someone you love, would you confess to him/her? Or just keep it secret, observing?
No. Shy la =P

10. List out 3 good points of the one who tagged you.
Considerate, caring, determined

11. What are the requirements that you wish for your other half?
Godly, intelligent, loyal, understanding, loving, has a keen sense of appreciation of beauty… haiya… up to God la…

12. Up to now, what is the moment you regret most?
The moment I let you go~ Kidding… Too many regrettable moments, but each has helped make me who I am today, and who am I to regret God’s will.

13. Which type of person do you hate most?
Don’t think I have any gua…

14. What is your ambition?
To have fulfilled God’s purpose for me. To have made a personal difference in the lives of others for the better. To become a godly wife and mother.

15. Would you rather be someone else at this very moment?
No. I’ll never know how I turn out to be in the future then.

16. If you can have 2 dreams to come true, what would it be?
1) To see God face to face and ask Him about His purpose in my life. To have everyone I love with me in heaven.
2) To experience true love and marry the guy God chose for me and raise children who will live out their lives for Him. I’m greedy alright =P

17. What do you think is most important in your life?
To be able to feel God’s presence every step of the way.

18. Who’s your favourite cartoon character?
Don’t have one. Er… Jigglypuff? =)

19. What will you do if the world ends tomorrow?
Pray like crazy for the salvation of all the people I care about and love. Then try like crazy to convince them to accept Christ. Then pray like crazy again. (I can hear God asking right now... why are you waiting until the end of the world to share?? *guilty*)

20. The most worthwhile decision you’ve ever made in your life so far?
To have let you go~ (I’m confusing people for fun hehe…) To have opened up my heart to God. I made a life-long friend… oops!! Not life long, even beyond death.

You must have expected this, people... I tag... every reader who has a blog!!
Just in case... I shall NAME some of you!!

1. Li Yenn
2. Pang Han
3. Li Hong
4. THE REST OF YOU!!! =)

Monday 25 February 2008

of randomness and birds=)




连可能的, 也变得不可能...



Sunday 24 February 2008

Once again...

... I'm back.

For those who don't know, it's been quite a busy week for me. I went for my church's Valentine youth retreat on the 16th-17th of February, and since then have been attending orientation week at Monash, culminating in transition camp in Port Dickson. As you can probably guess, I've just come back.

But before I begin, here are some photos from Tink's farewell =)
I wonder whose great idea was it that we pose with the pole LOL

Proper photo of Tink and me finally...
Group photo!!


Firstly, Valentine's youth retreat. To say that it was an life-changing experience would be a gross understatement. The place was awesome- we were in Gopeng, in a huge bungalow complete with swimming pool and basketball court smack right in the middle of a palm oil plantation. What did we do there? Basically it was a boy-girl relationship talk, the content which actually most of us know- but in our heads, not our hearts.

-What did we learn there? It was a talk on gender roles, because too often nowadays, men and women get their roles confused. I thought I understood guys and the way they think well enough, but I was wrong. Dead wrong. We were put into mixed groups, so that we could hear from the guys' perspectives, and seriously, it was an eye-opening experience. I'll summarise the general role of men here from the Christian's perspective:

1. To work: Not to work as in just earning a salary, but to have something to do, because men need to feel useful and needed, and work gives them a purpose in life.
2. To take the lead: Yes all feminists may jump on me now, but the men are the heads of the household, but not to abuse their power by being a tyrant, because true leadership is about serving. This is not to say that women can't lead, but that men have a natural penchant for leadership. This includes the area of relationships. No doubt, you can disagree with me, and yes there are exceptions, but exceptions maketh not a case. Leadership includes making decisions, so next time when your child comes running to you asking, "daddy can I go out?" DON'T ANSWER "I don't know, ask your mum." Have your opinion, and consult your wife. Girls, don't let your ego get in the way alright? (Yes guys, girls have egos too =P) We have a natural tendency to prefer to have someone to depend on for leadership, and there is no law that says we cannot help the men while they lead. What we need to do is to acknowledge their ability to lead. By the way, chivalry is also a way of taking the lead.
3. To sacrifice: Guys are wired to be sacrificial ( I can see the guys shaking their head in disbelief now). Disbelieve me all you want, but this is again linked to their need to feel needed and the penchant to be leaders, and sometimes leadership entails sacrifice. OH, and this was interesting-
Ephesians 5:25 Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself for it.
-To sacrifice, even to the point of death.

Believe me, I'm as shocked as you are. I mean, it would be so sweet and ideal for you to love your wife enough to die for her, but for it to be a commandment from the Bible? Wow. Gives a whole new dimension to carrying your cross daily and following Him, don't you think?

General role of women:
1. To help : Vague isn't it? Help in which area? The answer is all. We were designed to be man's helper.
Genesis 2:18 It is not good that man should be alone; I will make a helper comparable to him.
Comparable. It DOES NOT mean that we are a class lower than the men, rather, we are equal.
Girls, ever wondered why we can multitask but the men can only do one thing at a time? It is precisely because we are made to help, in every possible area, so we need the time and skills.
2. Nurture: By nature we are more loving and caring creatures, but let us not just glory in having such attributes but not make use of them. To nurture is to encourage others to grow, physically (enough said =P), mentally(that's why girls mature faster than guys! So that they can help them grow!) as well as spritually. Girls, have you been doing your nurturing duty today?
3. Sensitivity: God designed us to be sensitive creatures, so guys, it's not our fault we cry a lot(or maybe it's just me=P). There's nothing wrong with being sensitive at all, in fact, it is this sensitivity that helps us to be more compassionate and empathetic compared to the guys. Once again, this is not to say guys aren't sensitive and compassionate- I would be the last one to make such a claim, especially since I know so many of you who are such kind and understanding people(you know who you are). I'm just speaking in general terms. These are but roles, we must allow for character differences. Anyway, my point is, girls, embrace your sensitivity, and guys, remember that girls are sensitive and watch the way you treat them!
By the way, sensitive does include being perasan as well! =)

I love this quote from Matthew Henry:

The woman was made of a rib out of the side of Adam;
not made out of his head to rule over him,
nor out of his feet to be trampled upon by him,
but out of his side to be equal with him,
under his arm to be protected,
and near his heart to be beloved.

"We broke up because we weren't compatible."
"I want a boyfriend who is loving, understanding, smart, handsome..."
"I'm single because none of the girls I've met are my type."

Any of this sound familiar to you? Admit it, either consciously or subconsciously, we all have a checklist in our heads about who and how our ideal partner should act, look and be like. This in itself is not wrong, except that, in your relentless pursuit of Mr/Ms Right, have you ever wondered whether are YOU the right person for him/her? The challenge: Instead of looking for the right person, why not focus on being the right person instead?

OH... and the speaker also mentioned this- that loneliness should NOT be a reason for starting a relationship, because you'll never be satisfied. I know it's hard- your friends all around are coupling up, and you're single! I admit it, I struggle with loneliness a LOT. The temptation is just so great to simply find someone and couple up. The thing is, a relationship that isn't balanced will never be a healthy one, and can only end in heartbreak. We need to be able to feel comfortable being alone without getting lonely. We need to be content with ourselves, before we look for someone else. NO ONE on this earth can ever complete you. A healthy and happy relationship is not one where two perfect halves come together(because we aren't made as half a person in the first place!). It is one where two happy, contented people come together, not because they complete each other, but simply because they love one another. I hope you get what I'm trying to say...

One thing really cool about that camp was that we had the Enchanted Dinner- where we all dressed up and the guys were wonderful gentlemen!!

Here's one of my best church friends, Michelle Lau
(I don't look nice here, so focus on Michelle!)

And this is my cousin, another Michelle =)
She forgot to bring her dress, so she's wearing one of mine. Doesn't she look pretty??

Next, I promised someone I'll explain my views on premarital sex, so here it is. I'm sacrificing my sleep for you here, so you better read closely( I sound so fierce =P)!

Why do we get into relationships in the first place? Because we love the person and we would like to spend the rest of our lives with that person right(at least that's for me)? As my church elders always tell me, sex is a beautiful, wonderful thing invented by God and it is to celebrate the love of a couple and tie them intimately together. But let's not talk about sex just yet. Let's talk about relationships.

Our hearts are fragile, easily broken, difficult to mend. Just how many people do you intend to love romantically in a lifetime? Let's just say you finally found this girl, Mary whom you love with all your heart and soul. On your wedding day, you are going to present to her your heart, in exchange for hers. You've had a couple of relationships before, and a few crushes before that- (remember how some people always say to their ex, "you'll always have a place in my heart"?), so the heart you present to her will once have had the name Jill written all over it, then was liquid-papered over with Sandra, then rollered over with Rebecca and finally, you stuck a white label over it and emblazoned Mary on it. And Mary hands over her heart to you, pure and clean of any guy's name except with your name, enshrined in gold. How would you feel? She loves you enough not to mind about your past, but won't you mind terribly then? Won't you wish it could be a fair exchange- that your heart could be as pure as hers? Some of us might have already had a few names written in our hearts and then erased, it's okay. The past is past, but the present can still be changed.

Guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life.
Proverbs 4:23

Do not stir nor awaken love
Until it pleases.
Songs of Solomon 2:7

Likewise with pre-marital sex. To wait until your wedding night to have sex is a token of love, a way of showing him/her how much you love them- that you love them enough to control yourself, to wait. Maybe you're in a relationship and you feel that he/she is the one whom you want to spend the rest of your life with. Then go ahead, get married and then you can have sex! Why do you want to have sex with her, but not want to get married with her? If you're not sure if she's the one, if you're afraid of the consequences of it to your relationship, then why bother with sex in the first place? If the time is right, get married. If the time isn't right for marriage, it isn't right for sex as well. The consequences of marriage are the same as those of sex. The best wedding present you could give to your wife/husband is not an expensive wedding or wedding ring or honeymoon; it is your virginity, and a clean heart, because it is proof of your love for them. Think of it this way- how would you feel if your future wife/husband is having sex with someone else this very moment because it's okay to have premarital sex? In the same way, treat other people's wives/husbands the way you want your future spouse to be treated. That includes all the hugging and kissing and other intimacies we engage in in a relationship. Never do anything you might regret of later on. I can confess here that I've done some things which I thought were right at the time because I thought the time was right, but I regretted later on. Don't fall into the same trap as I did! Purity, once lost, can never be regained.

Honestly, I'm not trying to preach here, but this is an issue that really makes sense to me, and I want you to understand my point of view, regardless of whether you, who are reading this, are Christian or not, because loving someone enough to wait to have sex with the person only after marriage, is an ultimate expression of love. I hope you're convinced =)

How was transition camp? It was held by the medical school: really fun, but gruelling- physically and emotionally. It really made me think long and hard about whether this was the right path for me. I thought I was mentally prepared, but I wasn't. I'll post up the photos on the camp another time, but I'd just like to take this opportunity to thank someone- I'm not sure if you want to be named, so I won't name you, for listening to me talk this afternoon (when you could have spent it with your gang of friends)- complaints, tears, your lame joke=P and for spending time with me when I needed you. Thank you.

让我感动的事情, 我会一直放在心上。

Friday 15 February 2008

On the outside...

...looking in =)

I know I don't make sense to you, unless you're a mind reader.

But since when did everything in life have to make sense to us.

Thursday 14 February 2008


I wonder how many bloggers are going to blog about Valentine's...

Have you heard of Elizabeth Taylor? The famous actress who married 8 times? Well here she is.

The first time I saw her photo, I thought to myself, 'Wow, what a beautiful woman..."
But do you know why I came across this woman?
Because she was listed as one of the world's greatest romantics!!!
Okay, young girl that I am, I am not at all a qualified judge of who is a romantic and who's not, but I definitely do not think that 8 weddings qualify you to be a romantic!
This is what I found on

Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton met on the set of Cleopatra, when both were married to other people; their affair soon made headlines around the world and earned a public rebuke from no lesser authority than the Vatican. Their own married life together was a study in extremes, soaked in alcohol and characterized by a passion that was no less intense when they were fighting than when they were getting along. After divorcing in 1973, they found it impossible to stay apart and remarried in 1975, only to break up four months later.

I admit I'm old-fashioned.
And I consider myself a romantic. =)
And she, in my dictionary, definitely does NOT count as a romantic.
What is a romantic?
Haha... good question.
Someone who loves romance, romancing and being romanced.
Someone who believes in everlasting love.
At least that's what I think.
Note: think =P

Now, guess who this is??

No clue? This is Robert Browning.

He, along with his wife, Elizabeth Barrett Browning was voted one of the greatest couple of all time by the same website.
This time, I have to agree.
Their story is so sweet and romantic! (Yes I know that word's getting over-used)
Here's the shortened version of their story:

Both of them are poets.
In 1845, Robert fell in love with her simply after reading her volume of published poems, entitled... what else? Poems.
He was 32 then I think, she was 39, and they had never met.
He wrote to her telling her how much he loved her verses...
Over the next 20 months, they wrote approximately 600 letters to each other!!
Unfortunately (somehow there must always be obstacles in order for true love to surface- ironic, this world),
Elizabeth's dad was incredibly tyrannical and refused to allow any of his children to marry, and especially not Elizabeth, who was purported to be his favourite!
Elizabeth had been suffering from a mysterious illness all her life
(Doesn't it sound like some korean drama now? =p ),
which symptoms include spasms of pain and breathing difficulties...
long and short of it was that she was an invalid and almost never left the house
and was likely to continue suffering from that illness for the rest of her life.
I gather that she didn't want to fall in love with him,
but eventually did.
The power of his love~
And the romance in his writings~
I'm getting gushy.
*composes self*
Okay, so she fell madly in love,
and they got married anyway.
Elizabeth often said that their romance saved her life...
Their love also boosted both their careers,
as both went on to be great poets.
Elizabeth died in her husband's arms in 1861...
For those who want the complete unabridged version of their love story, please click here.

Presenting... Elizabeth Barrett Browning!

Their poems are amazing... I'm serious!! Summon your patience, and feast your eyes... and feel the poem... aha I'm crapping...

You'll Love Me Yet
By Robert Browning
You'll love me yet!—and I can tarry
Your love's protracted growing:
June reared that bunch of flowers you carry
From seeds of April's sowing.

I plant a heartful now: some seed
At least is sure to strike,
And yield—what you'll not pluck indeed,
Not love, but, may be, like!

You'll look at least on love's remains,
A grave's one violet:
Your look?—that pays a thousand pains.
What's death?—You'll love me yet!

Guess this was when he was still courting her =)

Sonnet 14- If Thou Must Love Me
By Elizabeth Browning

If thou must love me, let it be for nought
Except for love's sake only. Do not say
'I love her for her smile—her look—her way
Of speaking gently,—for a trick of thought
That falls in well with mine, and certes brought
A sense of pleasant ease on such a day'—
For these things in themselves, Beloved, may
Be changed, or change for thee,—and love, so wrought,
May be unwrought so. Neither love me for
Thine own dear pity's wiping my cheeks dry,—
A creature might forget to weep, who bore
Thy comfort long, and lose thy love thereby!
But love me for love's sake, that evermore
Thou mayst love on, through love's eternity.

Her reply perhaps?
I prefer her poems to his, as I can relate to them better, but to each his own =)

I was listening to Jay Chou's White Windmill 白色风车...


真实的感觉, 梦境般遥远...
Honest feelings are as faraway as dreamland is...
You said we shouldn't meet again for the sake of the moment of meeting...
Because I'm waiting for forever

Somehow the lyrics lose their beauty when translated to English.

I tasted them tonight =)
But I felt better
So don't worry
All you nice, caring people out there.

Have a blessed Valentine's Day!

Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never ends.

~Corinthians 13:7-8

Tuesday 12 February 2008

Aren't you disgusted?

I just reread my last post. And wondered why no one bothered to scold me. Or reprimand me. You're all too polite, nice people... I deserve a dressing-down for that post. COMPLAINING about having nothing to be emotional about.

Not because of who I am.
But because of what you've done.
Not because of what I've done.
But because of who you are.

I am a flower quickly fading,
Here today and gone tomorrow.
A wave tossed in the ocean,
A vapor in the wind.
Still you hear me when I'm calling,
Lord you catch me when I'm falling,
And you told me who I am.
I am yours.
I am yours.

*Slaps self*
*Slaps once more*
You've placed eternity in my heart. I don't deserve it, pathetic loser that I am. But help me to never lose sight of it.

Do you know what Amen means?

Tim: It means 'let it be so'.
Rachel: Ooo...


Sunday 10 February 2008

Rubbishy rubbish

Exactly one week before Monash begins. BLEH.

I know I've moaned and complained about ennui for so long, but now that I have approximately 171 hours left before university days begin, like Balaam the donkey, I balk at the thought of it.

The realisation of a dream, or the beginning of disillusionment... I'm Queen of Pessimism alright.


I want to emo like never before...

Yes people are leaving AGAIN...
But I'm numb already...
I could've emo-ed during the dinner with Tink, but I didn't. Maybe... I'm saving it for her farewell tomorrow night, or maybe... it just doesn't seem fitting that tears should ever be a part of our friendship.

D*** IT!! I'M EMO-ING ABOUT HAVING NOTHING TO EMO ABOUT!!! Maybe I need to see one of those people in the white coats who will prescribe me anti-depressant pills... Wonder what God thinks of me...

I like this tag, so I'm doing it.

"A Perfect Boyfriend".

Give her one of your t-shirts to sleep in
Mmm yeah… preferably one that smells like you =P (I’m assuming you smell good)

leave her cute text notes.
That would be nice

kiss her in front of your friends.
Peck should be ok; basically anything that won’t embarrass your friends into leaving

Tell her she looks beautiful.
Yeap… then hint to me the truth =P

look into her eyes when you talk to her.
Remember to blink, or else I’ll get scared

let her mess with your hair.
On your non-gelled/hair-sprayed/styled days

touch her hair.
All yours… just lend me a comb later on…

forgive her for her mistakes.
Tell me what my mistakes are, then forgive me

tickle her even when she says stop.
I’m generally not ticklish, but when I scream(note scream, not say) stop, you’d better =)

hold her hand when you're around your friends.
It would be nice, more importantly-introduce them!!!

let her fall asleep in your arms.
That would be really sweet of you

get her mad, then kiss her.
Umm… depends on the reason I’m mad at you… if it’s something really bad, I might get madder.

tease her and let her tease you back.

That sounds fun! But tell me when I go overboard.

stay up all night with her when she's sick.
Don’t want you to get a headache lah… you can leave when I’ve slept.

kiss her forehead.
Sweeeeeeetttt!! But don’t blame me if you get pimples on your lips (if that’s possible)

when she's sad, hang out with her.
I just want a shoulder to cry on, and a hug tight enough to let me feel as though you’d never let me go.

let her know she's important.
Yes! I don’t expect, or even want to be number one, but I better be pretty high up on that list. Or else. =)

kiss her in the pouring rain.

Romantic~~ But don’t if you’re the type who falls sick after getting drenched. Wouldn’t want you to fall sick.

when you fall in love with her, tell her.
Definitely… but when you’re not, tell me you aren’t. Don’t leave me hanging.

and when you tell her, love her like you've never loved someone before.
Don't kid me... Love me the way you want to

All this should turn some guys off.
Ah well...
It's ME. I'd rather you don't love me, rather than love me for who you think I am.
Easier said than done though.
Especially if I love you first.
So that shall not happen.
Unless God has anything to say about it.
And ALL of you reading this, DON'T be perasan.
I'm so evil. *cackles like the Wicked Witch of the West*

I watched the movie Armageddon late yesterday night.
Cried my heart out, even with the predictable storyline.
Especially every time they played this song...

I could stay awake just to hear you breathing
Watch you smile while you are sleeping
Far away and dreaming
I could spend my life in this sweet surrender
I could stay lost in this moment forever
Well, every moment spent with you

Is a moment I treasure

Don't wanna close my eyes
Don't wanna fall asleep
'Cause I'd miss you, baby
And I don't wanna miss a thing
'Cause even when I dream of you

The sweetest dream would never do

I'd still miss you, baby
And I don't wanna miss a thing

I don't wanna miss one smile
I don't wanna miss one kiss
Well, I just wanna be with you
Right here with you, just like this
I just wanna hold you close
Feel your heart so close to mine
And stay here in this moment
For all the rest of time

Somehow the lyrics just fit the movie so well.
Don't bother guessing why some parts are in bold, I just felt like it.

"That we could not be together forever was a fact I clearly grasped."
(borrowed from Caleb's blog, without his permission)
(= stealing)
I know.

If you really read this far, I salute you!

Chinese New Year was fun- lots of food, lots of family time...

My cousin Michelle.
Check out our Chinese new year themed blouses!

My darling aunt.

My daddy who won't admit he's gagah no longer =P

Isn't my grandma beautiful? She could have won Miss Chinese International when she was younger if she hadn't gotten married.
Note the peace sign!!
My grandma is COOL.

Wish grandpa would smile more often...

Another cousin Jie Ying...
She's hot, smart and rich!
An absolute darling =)

My genius cousin, who was offered to study Maths in Cambridge.
And hates smiling for the camera.

Hmmm... guess you can tell who are the camwhores =P

Guess blogging helps.
I don't want to emo so much now.

169 hours left.


Wednesday 6 February 2008

Autumn's Farewell 秋天的再见

Remember this?

By me






最后, 也只是也许...

Now here's what I came up with yesterday- some written on my living room couch and some in Tink's car =)

By me

因为... 珍惜每一次的不谋而遇
因为... 珍惜对约定的不执着
因此... 珍惜每一次笑着说的再见

两人迎面而笑,“呵... 我们真有默契。”



“我珍惜, 我们每一次的不谋而遇
我珍惜, 你对约定的不执着
因为我珍惜, 你每一次笑着说的再见...



如今, 我终于找到了放弃的勇气


秋天,珍重。 ”

If you ask me, somehow this one lacks lustre... what do you think?

It's 4am!! Enjoy!