Tuesday 31 May 2011

almost too much to handle

I feel the storm coming, that whirlwind that will sweep me off my feet and leave me gasping for air. I can't stop fast forwarding in my mind and thinking of the endless list of things that need to be done. The palpitations just won't stop. And I know it's not the way it's supposed to be.

The heart is willing, but the flesh is weak. Why do I not do the things that I should do, but the things that I do not want to do I do?


Breathe. Just breathe. I need my God. Calm down.

Wednesday 25 May 2011


始终 离不开多愁善感
沉默 成了习惯性的答案


别emo了! 没营养!

Monday 23 May 2011

salt and light

Heart, be at peace. In Christ, there is no fear, no condemnation. Heart, why do you worry?


Be still my soul.

Monday 16 May 2011


A lifelong dream. Lord what do you say?

No negative thoughts.

The joy of the Lord is my strength. Powerful words.

Friday 6 May 2011

there has to be a limit

There is a limit to how kiasu one can be, and I think I've reached my limit. Enough.

I am so blessed to have electives, and parents supportive enough to finance my travel dreams. Yet I am discontent because I want the best. Wanting the best is good, but I have allowed it to consume me, and I did not realise it until I searched the internet once more in a frenzy, seeking more and more electives at renowned medical schools. The medical school does not make a good doctor, the student and her Father does. And that is the vision. O my soul, why do you fret then? Silly me...

Father, remind me constantly, lest I forget you.
What would I be without you?
What would I be?

God, church. You know what I mean, so Father, help us.

Consuming fire, fan into flame
a passion for Your name

A godly woman.
Heart, have you forgotten so quickly?
Stay with me.