Sunday 27 June 2010

no more tomorrows

pray pray pray.

it's time to talk.

no more tomorrows

pray pray pray.

it's time to talk.

Wednesday 9 June 2010

when it's all about me

this is what happens. Seriously. What were you thinking Rachel Ooi. Screamed enough, cried enough, it's enough.

right now i really can hardly breathe.

i need to continue ranting. why don't i care enough anymore? where is your passion? really, it's time to stop doing things for myself. He is no fool who loses what he cannot keep, to gain what he cannot lose. pride, into the trash you go.

It's time to put your foot down. It's time to start believing and trusting.

Take a chance
walk that dance.

i think a teratoma is not a bad thing to be.

Saturday 5 June 2010

street feeding

I woke up at 630am on a Saturday morning. A rare occasion, unless it was one of those days where I was semangat enough to go practice venepuncture at the outpatient clinic. Which has only happened once.

It was almost surreal walking along the street in the early morning, looking for homeless people to give food to. It's even surreal writing about it, I'm not sure why. I'm amazed that this programme is the brainchild of my contemporaries- a simple idea- to go out, feed a few hungry mouths, engage them in conversation, identify their needs, come up with a long-term solution for their problems.

People need people. One of them teared up as we spoke to him- a drinker husband chased out of his home. I guess he just needed someone to talk to. I was just thinking- I think it's so nice of me to sacrifice my sleep to feed a few homeless people, but it takes so much more courage and humility on their part to accept the offering, to admit they need help.

I keep telling myself- it's just a week more. A week more before I go back to being princess in my own home, to be surrounded by all my family comfort and love. Will I make this week worthwhile? Will I concentrate on trusting and pleasing my Daddy this week?

"Right now I can hardly breathe.."
"You can do it, just know that I believe.."
"And that's all I really need~"
"So come on, it's time to turn it up~"

Game on =)