Wednesday, 30 May 2012

There is no shame in learning

就算你比人家慢半拍, 那又怎样?
就算你犯的错误好糟糕, 那又怎样?

学得慢没有罪, 只怕你不敢学.

不要在乎别人的眼光, 那一点也不重要, 因为最重要的人, 都站在你那一边了.

If my God is for me, then who can be against me.


Thursday, 3 May 2012

Year 5

It's May! Against all odds, God has brought me to a goal that seemed so far in the beginning- Year 5, the life I've been experiencing since the start of this year. You can't deny the rush of pride that comes with introducing yourself as a year 5, however tiny. But with it comes so much responsibility, and all that responsibility is only a glimpse of the life ahead as a doctor, and you wonder if you have what it takes. Thank God I'm not alone, that in everything I do, my God is watching. 

Reading the Cochrane protocol late into the night, I wonder if this is the life I'm meant to have. All those half-painted dreams of helping people, wanting to spend my time bringing smiles to patients' faces but am ankles deep in research, missing interaction with children but suddenly apprehensive of paediatric posting... Now I realise the reason we were given Year 5 relatively exam-free- it is to give us time to figure out our next step of life. Being a child of God, my task is both made simpler and more complicated at the same time. In one sense it is more difficult because I need to remember it is not about me but about His greater purpose, but in another sense it is easier because He has gone before me to show me the way. It sometimes feels like I'm on the edge of a cliff and it would just take one more step for me to fall off, but how will you learn to fly unless you let your feet off the ground?

This is it- the process of me growing up and maturing as a young medical professional, as an adult, as a follower of Christ. It is both wonderful and yet scary, and I am both excited and apprehensive. I just had to make a note of this rare moment of solitude and rumination before life slips me by again. 

Note to self: Remember who is in control, and relish the time you have. 

Now to practice what I believe in.