Thursday, 28 July 2011

Monday, 25 July 2011

the promised land

I wonder how it felt like to be Moses, leading people out of Egypt on the glimmer of hope that one day he would bring them all into the promised land. I wonder what kind of faith he must have had. It is easy to look in retrospect and say the promised land was worth it all, but the process must have been gruelling. Really, blessed are those who continue on when there is no end in sight, and even more blessed are those who strive on with no promised gift in mind but the smile on their Daddy's face. It makes you wonder where your priorities really truly lie.

I want my Daddy to be happy, but can I be shallow and say I want to go to the land flowing with milk and honey as well? =)

She stands at the edge of the blithely laughing crowd and wonders if the day will come when she would no longer be on the outside, looking in. A quiet voice asks, "Does it matter so much?"

It would make that moment in time happier, but no, I guess not.

I miss penning my thoughts down.

Monday, 18 July 2011


It feels as though I just owe too much, and try too little, so much so that it becomes so tiring to try and make up for it. Can I just stop, please?

With God it's easy, you know you don't need to try, because He told me His grace is sufficient for me.

But the thing is, what do you do when it's men then?

Thursday, 14 July 2011

i choose to believe

我知道, 你在告诉我, 要相信我, 放轻松...

孩子向爸爸要礼物, 是天经地义, 不需要苦苦哀求.

Saturday, 9 July 2011

How great You are

A thousand times I've failed
Still your mercy remains
Should I stumble again
I'm caught in your grace

God of my forever, thank you.

Friday, 8 July 2011


There is a longing deep inside my heart
A raging tempest only You can still

Father God You have shown me the evils of speaking ill, the hurt an innocent comment can cause. Guard my tongue too Lord, that I may not sin against You and men.

Sometimes when life gets too busy and you're turning blue in the face just trying to catch up, you tend to stand back and reevaluate life as you know it. And more often than not, you start to wonder if this is the way life was meant to be. Deep inside us, we all have the longing to be part of something bigger than ourselves, something that will count when all else fades away, but few of us find it, and even fewer of us hold onto it.

Heart, despite the tempest, will you hold on?

Friday, 1 July 2011


不知不觉中, 上帝好像从我生命的一切, 变成了我生命的一部分. 我知道我需要他, 但不是时时刻刻, 分分秒秒. 用了好久的时间, 我终于向自己承认了.

大家都说每一份感情都有四季, 不是吗? 单纯的春天, 热情的夏天, 诗意的秋天, 冰冷的冬天. 也许现在天父与我的感情已逼近冬天了吧... Soul, be patient. 冬天走了, 又是春天了...
